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  • #1107105 Ответить

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    #1107131 Ответить

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    #1107135 Ответить

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    #1107139 Ответить

    I’d like to send this letter by acheter zofran offshore-pharmacy.com Russia’s claim to the Arctic is absurd and disputed by the USA, Canada and Northern European nations.  Greenpeace also never captures equipment or ships, it merely gets in the way and effectively warns whales off.  The biggest argument in favor of the US signing the Law of the Sea Treaty is that it would gives the USA undisputable rights in the Artic based on the continental shelf that competes directly with Russia’s claim.  Right now the desire to do developments in the Artic is not that great anywhere because of high costs and the limited shipping season in Artic waters, but decades from now it is within the range of possibility that war will be fought over artic rights.

    #1107143 Ответить

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