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  • #1104154 Ответить

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    #1104178 Ответить

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    #1104181 Ответить

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    #1104186 Ответить

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    #1104187 Ответить

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    #1104188 Ответить

    A law firm iklan panadol anak Tal Gross, an assistant professor at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, co-authored «Public Health Insurance, Labor Supply, and Employment Lock,» a report distributed by the National Bureau of Economic Research. The authors studied an incident in 2005 when more than 100,000 Tennessee residents lost public health coverage (like from Medicaid). Roughly half of those people regained insurance by finding work. «We extrapolated that there’s a very tight link between the need for health insurance and employment,» Gross says. «Our results suggest that what happened in Tennessee can be applied to what might happen to the country as a whole.» According to Gross, if those workers who have been working strictly due to job lock choose to quit or retire early, the ACA may ultimately reduce the employment rate by a half a percentage point.

    #1104190 Ответить

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    #1104206 Ответить

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