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  • #1103088 Ответить

    I’m unemployed dydrogesterone tablet 10mg in hindi The Bloomberg years have been very good ones for people who can afford to live in Park Slope and places like it. Crime in high-income neighborhoods is infinitesimal. The subway that takes de Blasio’s guy to the majestic skyscraper is relatively clean, orderly, and reliable. The food choices are dizzyingly various and excellent, and there’s an artisanal shop on every block. Farmers’ markets spring up on Saturday morning, near newly painted bike lanes and refurbished playgrounds and swimming pools for the kids. Parental contributions keep the local public schools in chalk, music teachers, and “sustainable education”; and, if that isn’t good enough, private-school choices abound. Yes, life is ridiculously expensive and inconvenient—the frigid dawn lineup that Sunday in February for Carmelo the Science Fellow!—but Bloomberg’s New York is a city that works extremely well if you make somewhere in the six figures. If you do, you might well find yourself thinking, I get the inequality thing, I like what de Blasio’s saying—but is he going to mess everything up?

    #1103095 Ответить

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    Instead of denigrating Moskowitz, de Blasio should be asking: What lessons can we learn from the success of her schools? How can we incorporate the basic tenets of her schools — more instructional time, high-quality teachers, use of data to drive instruction and extra help for those students who fall behind, parent involvement, a culture of discipline, rigor, and high expectations — in all schools? (Some of these reforms would require modifications to the teachers’ contract, but perhaps de Blasio could convince the union to reimagine what is possible.)

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