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    Whereabouts are you from? cipralex and weight gain The place most notorious for dove hunting is probably Malta. The small Mediterranean island has a sophisticated attachment to bird trapping and hunting, which, for many male Maltese, are a source of recreation, a statement of both national and gender-oriented identities and a way of maintaining long-established cultural traditions. While hunting was once a major source of subsistence protein, rising standards of living have not seen the activity substantially diminish. For the last 25 years there have been between 14,000 and 17,000 registered hunters or trappers (in a total population of about 350,000). Their cumulative bag, scattered indiscriminately across scores of species, most of which are not eaten, was assumed in 1990 to be between 2.6 million and 5.8 million birds. In that year, the annual turtle dove kill was put at 160,000 - 480,000 birds, although this has since declined substantially and this part of the bag at least enjoyed the rationale of the cooking pot.

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