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    In tens, please (ten pound notes) imodium bustine prezzo In this Oct. 3, 2013 photo, Mike Brenner, owner of Brenner Brewing in Milwaukee, stands in front of an empty beer barrel. The federal government shutdown could leave America’s craft brewers with a serious hangover. Stores will still offer plenty of suds. But the shutdown has closed an obscure agency that quietly approves new breweries, recipes and labels, which could create huge delays throughout the rapidly growing craft industry, whose customers expect a constant supply of inventive and seasonal beers. Brenner is trying to open a craft brewery in Milwaukee by December. His application to include a tasting room is now on hold, as are his plans to file paperwork for four labels over the next few weeks. He expects to lose about $8,000 for every month his opening is delayed. (AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger)

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