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    I’d like to send this letter by clomipramine medscape The Rangers gave up two top quality prospects for Garza in third baseman Mike Olt and righthander C.J. Edwards, but still have plenty of depth in their system to fill their outfield need. The White Sox are hoping to get a bidding war going for Rios between the Rangers and Pittsburgh Pirates, who are also looking for a corner outfielder. As for the Orioles, they gave up one of their better prospects, lefthanded-hitting third baseman Nick Delmonico, for Brewers closer Francisco Rodriguez, but it was a deal they had to make. Their bullpen is among the major league leaders with 17 blown saves, six of them by closer Jim Johnson. Unfortunately, their rotation is in desperate need of a No. 1 or 2 starter. Jason Hammel was supposed to be that guy but he’s regressed to a 5.20 ERA this year while the Oriole pitchers have yielded the third-most homers in the majors.

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