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  • #1088559 Ответить

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    #1088565 Ответить

    Withdraw cash what is generic for nexium Getting back to Breaking Bad, I’ve noticed public opinion shifting somewhat on Skyler lately – the founder of the “I hate Skyler White” Facebook page is even thinking about shutting it down. Which could be read as being about her character demonstrating increased strength. But Skyler’s stood up to Walt throughout the course of the show in the ways available to her given her shitty, patriarchal reality. The biggest change I’ve noticed in Skyler lately is that she appears to be on the same side as Walt – is she more likable because she now looks to be standing by her man? And still, I’ve heard criticism of Skyler for her willingness to accept and protect Walt’s money after she pushed back against it for so long. Again, as if she only gets to be one thing, the unlikable white hat or the unlikable sell out. In fact, every trait Skyler gets criticized for is also demonstrated by Hank (being temporarily paralyzed by fear) or Walt (being a survivor), and these characters simply never face the same kind of fan hate.

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    #1088617 Ответить

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