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  • #1072793 Ответить

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    #1072839 Ответить

    I need to charge up my phone phenylpiracetam alcohol Should current trends continue, U.S. combat troops are likely to leave behind a grinding stalemate between the Afghan government and the Taliban. The Afghan National Security Forces can probably sustain this deadlock, but only as long as the U.S. Congress pays the multibillion-dollar annual bills needed to keep them fighting. The war will thus become a contest in stamina between Congress and the Taliban. Unless Congress proves more patient than the Taliban leader Mullah Omar, funding for the ANSF will eventually shrink until Afghan forces can no longer hold their ground, and at that point, the country could easily descend into chaos. If it does, the war will be lost and U.S. aims forfeited. A policy of simply handing off an ongoing war to an Afghan government that cannot afford the troops needed to win it is thus not a strategy for a «responsible end» to the conflict; it is closer to what the Nixon administration was willing to accept in the final stages of the Vietnam War, a «decent interval» between the United States’ withdrawal and the eventual defeat of its local ally.

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    #1072851 Ответить

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    How many weeks’ holiday a year are there? prozac bridge off cymbalta Japan was angered last year after a French broadcaster used a composite picture that showed Japanese national soccer team goalie Eiji Kawashima with four arms and the caption «Fukushima Effect» about a save he made in a game between the two nations. The broadcaster subsequently apologised.

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